AHA Moment for that I am sure
This was the biggest aha moment of my life, I finally could connect some pieces of the puzzle, I have always been incredibly intuitive and sensed de ja vu over my lifetime but this was a much deeper level of understanding and resonance.
One of the other concepts of the book that I had heard mentioned and the words were familiar but I had never really understood the true meaning of the Soul. Of course, I had heard the word soulmates and it was always such a foreign concept that I never really was able to grasp the actual concept and this book led me on a journey of discovery. I really struggled with this mindset when including this as I feared that people would think I was literally mentally ill. However, as I have learnt and discovered that I am fearless as well as listening to others talk on the subject including very famous and affluent intelligent people, I am becoming more comfortable with sitting in the discomfort.
The Long Way Home
One of the consequences of finding out everything was that my mind was unravelling with a sense of purpose, having information coming in so fast in many ways my mind was spinning and I knew I was headed for a huge tower moment that was about to come crashing down. Like always the body always wins and I began having increasing anxiety and huge rage inside me was brewing like a pressure cooker ready to explode and there was no way the lid was staying on again.
I kept getting visions and dreaming that I had to go on a journey but the reality and the dreams were not in alignment and again I was just not seeing it but the messages kept coming. I remember feeling like a caged rat and could not physically contain it and was literally going crazy. I was having trouble sleeping and trying to calm myself with meditation but it only increased and I suddenly had visions of a childhood memory of a holiday with family friends to Airlie Beach and this would have been I the late 1970’s I guess and Airlie Beach was very different then to now. I remember going to the Marina or Port where all the ships come in when I was a young child and there was a huge storm at the time and the sky was so angry and we were little and standing on a cliff looking out. I remember feeling like I could literally reach out to the clouds and I will never forget that moment and feeling so close to something so big at the time, so close to the sky that I could just reach up and be taken up to the heavens and was able to recall this memory so vividly. I suddenly knew what this was for me and it was my way home, my portal I guess but there was something I needed to do there and get closure on because the Universe was sending me a message and this I knew for sure. Anyway, as the crazy person I am to everyone who knows me and wonders what the hell I am doing and my children don’t even question anymore. They know when I am in times of my darkest days I need to go and escape and seek time alone to be able to heal and I always come back, this time I wasn’t sure if I was.
I had no idea why or what I needed to do but I remember it being a long weekend and finishing work and I was driving from Brisbane to Airlie Beach and believed that all would be revealed on the journey and it didn’t disappoint.
I was fuelled with rage and so angry with the Universe for again letting me down in love again. But also for allowing my mother to again somehow infiltrate my energy and allow her spirit to get to me without me knowing. I was done because even when I didn’t see it coming it was like another way to destroy me and it was personal and I wasn’t fighting back anymore I was done.
I was in the fight of my life with the Universe and I was adamant I was either going to win in love and life or I was going to die that weekend because there was no going back to my life as it was. I needed to make sense and purpose of everything and get absolute clarity of what the hell was going on because I literally was done on every level and I didn’t care. I knew how to get home and I needed to go back to that Portal in Airlie Beach for the Universe to save me because I was tapped out. I had failed my purpose and mission and I was giving up and defeated and I wanted a one-way ticket to get the hell out.
Of course, when I arrived in Airlie Beach I was devastated because it was a beautiful sunny day and the place wasn’t anything like I remembered from such a young age. I was again confused and disillusioned and literally knew then that I was going crazy and having a huge psychotic episode and in a whole world of trouble. I knew I needed food and sleep so booked a motel online randomly and went to find somewhere to eat and whilst waiting for the check in time went for a walk aimlessly along the waterfront not near the Marina but on another part of the waterfront and was physically drawn to a brick monument of some sort like they have for War memorials and just wandered over and stared to read what it was.
I remember just feeling completely physically overwhelmed and as soon as I touched it I started to physically sob uncontrollably and broke down and I had no words as to why just the physical wash of emotion and outside of body experience was literally something I will never be able to forget and had never experienced before. I had no idea that connection to me other than the date which was approximately two months before I was born but I took a photo of the names and adamant I needed to research once I got home to find sense and meaning to what I was experiencing. I then booked into my motel and slept soundly for what felt like forever and was so calm and peaceful I knew that somehow, I had found was I was searching for.
The Unseen
Whether you are a believer or not this is my story and my purpose and I understand that there will be people who are sceptics and I would have been the same in the past if I hadn’t of had this experience and this journey. There is a lot of evidence and research that I have discovered on this journey that has validated my beliefs. Lessons for my soul, lifelong lessons, and situations come to us from the Universe to ascend us to our higher self.
My journey has uncovered many gifts which I am eternally grateful and that is you can’t have the light that is what we all strive for without having the dark. I am grateful for my connection to God and higher power which has been an incredible gift in the last couple of months. My protective energies that surround me both on earth and in spiritual realm that have guided and protected me through the process, but also taught me the lessons that I needed to achieve to be able to understand my purpose.
Essentially what happened in the accumulation of all the elements together of the Universe it all made sense for me and if nothing more than a security and coping mechanism to get me through the darkest of times it was my one constant. The messages and motivation to try and make sense of what was happening in my life were so intense and strong that it really scared me and I did resist several times but the process of working through that and coming out the other side has been incredibly magical and what gave me my strength to keep going.
A lot of the messages that kept coming through and recurring themes with several areas of my life kept me going. Understanding the concepts and meanings of Past Life connections, Soul Connections, Twin Flame Journey and resonated so accurately with my thoughts and feelings and validation that it was impossible to deny that this was what I was experiencing. I think that for me in the past I have not truly resonated because my mind had not been open to the possibilities of the Spirit world and the Universe. Previously I had not able to resonate because I had no sense of reference and had been like a foreign language, but it is not until you go to language school and learn the language that you can truly understand what it all means and knowledge really is power and can change your life in ways that you could never imagine.
“These dimensions are not actual places but rather they are states of consciousness. Here on Earth, we are all living life in either 3D, 4D, 5D or a combination of all three.
In fact, it is most likely that majority of people on Earth are moving back and forth across two or three of these dimensional states of consciousness depending on where they are in their lives.
Even though we are all living on the same planet and are surrounded by the same world, our perception of it will be different depending on which state of consciousness we are choosing to see things at.
These dimensions are not actual places but rather they are states of consciousness. Here on Earth, we are all living life in either 3D, 4D, 5D or a combination of all three.
In fact, it is most likely that majority of people on Earth are moving back and forth across two or three of these dimensional states of consciousness depending on where they are in their lives.
Even though we are all living on the same planet and are surrounded by the same world, our perception of it will be different depending on which state of consciousness we are choosing to see things at.
These dimensions are not actual places but rather they are states of consciousness. Here on Earth, we are all living life in either 3D, 4D, 5D or a combination of all three.
In fact, it is most likely that majority of people on Earth are moving back and forth across two or three of these dimensional states of consciousness depending on where they are in their lives.
Even though we are all living on the same planet and are surrounded by the same world, our perception of it will be different depending on which state of consciousness we are choosing to see things at.”
I needed to learn what this heartache meant to face my truth and transcend my failure and herein lies the gift that is my life purpose. A series of intuitive moments and my desperation to seek understanding of my life and purpose led to the ultimate gift from the Universe, God, and Higher Power. Everyone has their own version of title and for me personally I have always been against the word God because of my Catholic upbringing and organised Religion.
I literally was on a mission, I was googling the internet and when in my times of inspiration and need for resonance I always go back to my tool box of favourite women who inspire me and one of them is Oprah and the other Brene Browne which I will refer to and link in this blog. They have literally unknowingly saved my life so many times I am forever grateful and gave me strength and courage throughout my adult years that gave me the inspiration to keep going, a true gift. I remember going online and searching You Tube for Oprah Soul Sunday came across interview with Oprah and Gary Zukov who wrote many books and has multiple different resources including The Seat of the Soul.
“The decisions that you make and the actions that you take upon the Earth are the means by which you evolve. At each moment you choose the intentions that will shape your experiences and those things upon which you will focus your attention. These choices affect your evolutionary process. This is so for each person.”
― Gary Zukav, The Seat of the Soul
Gifts Uncovered

MP calls for memorial to be built to remember lives lost
WHITSUNDAY MP Jason Costigan marked the 46th anniversary of Cyclone Ada in the Whitsundays in memory of the 14 lives lost.
He would like to see a memorial erected in the Whitsundays or Proserpine.
Cast a wreath today into the waters of Shute Harbour in memory of those 14 poor souls who lost their lives in Cyclone…
Posted by Jason Costigan on Sunday, January 17, 2016
Cyclone Ada crossed the coast on Sunday afternoon, January 17,
1970, leaving a terrible path of death and destruction in its wake. Hayman
and Daydream islands were both badly affected.
The accommodation blocks on Daydream Island were demolished and eventually the extent of the damage was put at $10 million.
What was worse, however, was the loss of life.
Six people were confirmed dead in the Proserpine and Whitsunday regions.
In addition, the 55ft (16.7m) 55 foot concrete trawler Whakatane with the owner Des Ryan, of Burleigh Heads, his wife Del and three children Judy, 9, Wendy, 7 and Tony, 5, skipper Colin Clarke and deckhand W. Howard on board was lost after it left Mackay at 5.30am on Saturday for Townsville.
The Whakatane was never seen again although wreckage believed to be from her was found on the eastern side of Long Island a week later.
The search was abandoned on Monday, January 26.
A well-known Mackay district woman was one of the six people who died as a result of Cyclone Ada.
Mrs Shirley Carmen Turner, 31, of Blenheim Station, west of Eungella, was crushed when an accommodation unit collapsed at South Molle Island during the cyclone early on Sunday, February 18.
I didn’t want to go too deep into this connection now as need to process what if meant but I know that there was a strong link and connection with the name of Shirley having my name, and on research had been her mother’s middle name as well. The name is significant because when I was growing up I knew that it was a very strange name and the only person that I ever recall having the same name so was not commonplace. All I knew is that there was a deep connection that I felt in my soul that all of these serendipitous moments led me to here at this time and I felt an overwhelming physical response and connection and emotion that left me with an internal peace that I have never felt before, literally like a purging of my soul and if nothing more than to accept that the journey had done everything that it had meant to achieve.
Finding My Place
Former Shute Harbour Motel destroyed by
Cyclone Debbie has sold for $2.65 million
The site of the Shute Harbour Motel, which was destroyed when Cyclone Debbie ripped through the Whitsunday region in 2017, has been sold to a NSW buyer who plans to transform it into a residential development.
The freehold site, located around 10 kilometres south-east of Airlie Beach, was sold by an expression of interest campaign run by Ray White’s Andrew Burke and Mark Beale for $2.65 million.
The Shute Harbour Motel operated for many decades before the cyclone hit in March 2017.
Parts of the motel remain on the site and demolition work will be required by the new owner.

The lower block is currently leased to a marine repairs business.
Longtime owner and local businessman David McInerney was looking to retire, Mr Burke said.
A report from AAP at the time of the cyclone indicated that his father had started the business around 50 years prior, while the Whitsunday Times reported that the property had been rebuilt in 1970 following Cyclone Ada.

Stepping into the Arena
Whilst I have known a lot of people in my life on many levels I can truly say that there wouldn’t be anybody that knows my whole storey and this is purely because I very rarely shared my thoughts and feelings with others. Of course there are obvious life events that play out in front of others and situations have become apparent because of circumstances however it was usually on a need to know basis. I was born under the sign of Pisces which I have discovered through the journey of Tarot is so much deeper and given me a sense of purpose of who I am.
“Pisces, a water sign, is the last constellation of the zodiac. It’s symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, representing the constant division of Pisces’s attention between fantasy and reality.
As the final sign, Pisces has absorbed every lesson — the joys and the pains, the hopes and the fears — learned by all of the other signs. This makes these fish the most psychic, empathetic, and compassionate creatures of the astrological wheel. With such immense sensitivity, Pisces can easily become swallowed by emotions and must remember to stay grounded in the material realm (appropriately, Pisces rules the feet).”
“Pisces, your soul is ancient — far older than any other zodiac sign. Because you’re the last zodiac sign of the 12, you’re the polar opposite of Aries, whose soul is as young as an infant’s.
Your wisdom, intuition, and creativity all work together to create the higher being that is you, Pisces. Not everyone understands you, but you don’t really want everyone to understand you, anyway.
You’re very in tune with your spiritual side, and you’re constantly in a transformative state that all other zodiac signs wish they could be in. You may not realize it, but everyone looks up to you in some way or another, thanks to your ancient soul.
If you’re an old soul, it means you’re wise beyond your years, and have a better understanding of the world and all its secrets. The age of your soul doesn’t coincide with your actual age, but rather how much your soul has experienced within all of your lifetimes — both now and in the past.
An old soul tends to focus on the bigger picture in life because they know there’s more to this world than getting hung up on the past. Old souls teach others how to embrace change, learn to let go, and how to have an appreciation for the things that matter most in life.
Sometimes, your sign leaves a clue to where you are in the karmic life cycle.
When you list all the zodiac signs in order, Aries is first and Pisces is last.
Aries can be a person with new soul, and Pisces can be here to complete their journey.
Pisces is known for empathy,”
Everything that has happened in my life has led me to this point. I recall several visits to Psychics over the years talking about my future and visions of writing a piece of work/book for the world to view and was very sceptical and non-believing at the time because I couldn’t see this in my future. Whilst I went to Psychics for often guidance and needing some sense of hope in my life at times of despair, I was also very mindful of dismissing things that I just couldn’t see at the time. I had no idea the topic was and just somehow assumed it would be work related but as I have learnt the universe and the Divine always have a plan and whilst I have some free will (which I have practiced many times over the years), when I am guided by my higher purpose in life and why I am here on this earth journey I need to stick to my truth and my path here on earth.
I have attempted to do tell my story over the years but had many false starts, fear pushed it back down and the intention was always that it was something that I needed to do but never understanding the purpose and why until now.
This however has not been easy process and I have failed many times due to technology and fear, it has been an uphill battle and many times gave up in the last couple of months.
Because of this insight over the past couple of months once the tower came crashing down because I once again needed to pass a life lesson and ultimately this was the biggest so far and it was my life lesson to learn to love myself wholly, deeply and authentically and call in for myself that I am worthy of love and belonging and connection no matter what.
There were so many moments in this process that I struggled to find the strength and courage to tell my story but like everything I know it was always destined and I had no choice and several times I went kicking and screaming fighting it and resisting the intuiting, my spirit guides and others including all of the Tarot Readers on You tube leading up to this. But with everything I have a purpose here on earth that I had to complete and this is my journey and the body always gets what the body wants, I had to do it because I had to give in to the divine, I am tired and I want to be able to feel peace in my heart. I want my happiness and to get to a point of happiness, joy, love and light I need to also go to the deep and dark and heal from my trauma.
So here goes I am stepping into the Arena once again, I am sure there will be several more Tower moments, I know it won’t be easy and there will be critics and of that that I am sure. What I know for certain is that I am very clear that I will not be engaging or making any sort of contact or communication with anyone from my life who has been a toxic or abusive part of my life story. This is my story and my life purpose and if you are distressed or upset with the content then book yourself in to a counsellor and or Psychiatrist and clean up your mess because until you have done the work that I have, lived the life I have and learnt the lessons to ascend to emotional fulfilment and a higher purpose that I have, I will not engage or tolerate as my boundaries are very clear and that I am sure of.
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