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Feeling Peace

The Unseen

Whether you are a believer or not this is my story and my purpose and I understand that there will be people who are sceptics and I would have been the same in the past if I hadn’t of had this experience and this journey. There is a lot of evidence and research that I have discovered on this journey that has validated my beliefs. Lessons for my soul, lifelong lessons, and situations come to us from the Universe to ascend us to our higher self.


My journey has uncovered many gifts which I am eternally grateful and that is you can’t have the light that is what we all strive for without having the dark. I am grateful for my connection to God and higher power which has been an incredible gift in the last couple of months. My protective energies that surround me both on earth and in spiritual realm that have guided and protected me through the process, but also taught me the lessons that I needed to achieve to be able to understand my purpose.


Essentially what happened in the accumulation of all the elements together of the Universe it all made sense for me and if nothing more than a security and coping mechanism to get me through the darkest of times it was my one constant. The messages and motivation to try and make sense of what was happening in my life were so intense and strong that it really scared me and I did resist several times but the process of working through that and coming out the other side has been incredibly magical and what gave me my strength to keep going.


A lot of the messages that kept coming through and recurring themes with several areas of my life kept me going. Understanding the concepts and meanings of Past Life connections, Soul Connections, Twin Flame Journey and resonated so accurately with my thoughts and feelings and validation that it was impossible to deny that this was what I was experiencing. I think that for me in the past I have not truly resonated because my mind had not been open to the possibilities of the Spirit world and the Universe. Previously I had not able to resonate because I had no sense of reference and had been like a foreign language, but it is not until you go to language school and learn the language that you can truly understand what it all means and knowledge really is power and can change your life in ways that you could never imagine.


“These dimensions are not actual places but rather they are states of consciousness. Here on Earth, we are all living life in either 3D, 4D, 5D or a combination of all three.


In fact, it is most likely that majority of people on Earth are moving back and forth across two or three of these dimensional states of consciousness depending on where they are in their lives.


Even though we are all living on the same planet and are surrounded by the same world, our perception of it will be different depending on which state of consciousness we are choosing to see things at.


These dimensions are not actual places but rather they are states of consciousness. Here on Earth, we are all living life in either 3D, 4D, 5D or a combination of all three.


In fact, it is most likely that majority of people on Earth are moving back and forth across two or three of these dimensional states of consciousness depending on where they are in their lives.


Even though we are all living on the same planet and are surrounded by the same world, our perception of it will be different depending on which state of consciousness we are choosing to see things at.


These dimensions are not actual places but rather they are states of consciousness. Here on Earth, we are all living life in either 3D, 4D, 5D or a combination of all three.


In fact, it is most likely that majority of people on Earth are moving back and forth across two or three of these dimensional states of consciousness depending on where they are in their lives.


Even though we are all living on the same planet and are surrounded by the same world, our perception of it will be different depending on which state of consciousness we are choosing to see things at.”


I needed to learn what this heartache meant to face my truth and transcend my failure and herein lies the gift that is my life purpose. A series of intuitive moments and my desperation to seek understanding of my life and purpose led to the ultimate gift from the Universe, God, and Higher Power. Everyone has their own version of title and for me personally I have always been against the word God because of my Catholic upbringing and organised Religion.

I literally was on a mission, I was googling the internet and when in my times of inspiration and need for resonance I always go back to my tool box of favourite women who inspire me and one of them is Oprah and the other Brene Browne which I will refer to and link in this blog. They have literally unknowingly saved my life so many times I am forever grateful and gave me strength and courage throughout my adult years that gave me the inspiration to keep going, a true gift. I remember going online and searching You Tube for Oprah Soul Sunday came across interview with Oprah and Gary Zukov who wrote many books and has multiple different resources including The Seat of the Soul.

“The decisions that you make and the actions that you take upon the Earth are the means by which you evolve. At each moment you choose the intentions that will shape your experiences and those things upon which you will focus your attention. These choices affect your evolutionary process. This is so for each person.”

Gary Zukav, The Seat of the Soul


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